Dr. Reinisch Honored at the Egyptian ENT-HNS Delta Conference By Alice Ting, MPH ACSW on February 09, 2016

This past January, Dr. Reinisch visited Egypt and attended the Egyptian ENT-HNS Delta Conference where he presented on the unsatisfactory microtia reconstruction results and how he developed a newer method for microtia treatment and ear reconstruction using Medpor. Last year, Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab visited Los Angeles and observed Dr. Reinisch's surgeries for a few months. He was impressed by Dr. Reinisch's highly skilled technique of the Medpor ear reconstruction surgery and when he went back to Egypt he shared his learning experience with his collegues and superiors. He enjoyed Dr. Reinisch's mentoring so much that he invited Dr. Reinisch to the conference where Dr. Reinisch was honored. Dr. Reinisch also had the chance to visit the pyramids and ride camels with his wife Nancy, where they had an enjoyable time. 

Dr. Reinisch honored with a plaque at the 2016 Egyptian ENT-HNS Delta Conference

Dr. Reinisch and Dr. Dr. Wahab at the 2016 Egyptian ENT-HNS Delta Conference

Dr. Reinisch presenting at the 2016 Egyptian ENT-HNS Delta Conference

Dr. Reinisch and wife Nancy rides camcel together

Dr. John Reinisch, MD

Reinisch Plastic Surgery

  • Exceptionally well-qualified
  • Graduate of Harvard Medical School
  • Board-certification in plastic surgery 
  • Created the MEDPOR® technique in 1991
  • Has successfully treated over 20,000 children 

Patients come from across the country and around the world to benefit from his expert care. To schedule your consultation, contact our office online or call us at (833) 896-3277

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